Padi : Rocker From Indonesia

Padi is one of the music group (band) from Indonesia. Personnel consists of Ari Rice (guitar), Fadly (vocal), Yoyo (drums), Rindra (bass), and piyu (guitar). This group started in the cross-sinister world of the music in the 1990s through the single "dude" from indie album in ten colors and is considered to bring new world music in Indonesia. The path of the selected music is pop-rock.

This is the Discocraphy :

Indie 10 with a single, 'dude'
OST World Cup 2002 with a single, 'Work Of Heaven'
Family Songs Hadad Alwi (2003) with the song "prayer"
Tribute to Ian Antono (2004) with the song "Witness Old Guitar"
They were with us for a single: Dec'26 '